How SMART Are You?

24 03 2018

Marketing is all fun and games until you must demonstrate the effectiveness of your campaigns, right?  What are goals, strategies and tactics and how do they fit into the life of a marketer?  Without these things, your marketing efforts lack value and purpose.  So, lets break it down.

Marketing goals are specific measurable metrics that are used to drive your strategy and ensure the success thereof.  Goal setting is one of the most difficult things we must do as marketers so it’s not surprising that a lot of companies skip this step.  Setting SMART goals will bring clarity to your ideas and focus to your efforts all while proving how effective your campaigns are.  Consider them a roadmap that leads you to success.

Consider some of these questions when setting goals:

Specific:  Who? What? When? Where? Why? Which?
easurable:  How will you know when your goal is accomplished?  Is data available for you to measure success and progress?
Attainable:  What resources or financial requirements do you need and/or have access to?  Do you have sufficient time and staff to accomplish your goal?
elevant:  Why is this important or worthwhile?  Is it the right time and does it alight with other efforts?
imely:  When will you execute the activities to achieve your goal?  When will you see short-term results and ultimately achieve your goal?

A marketing strategy is a long-term company vision intended to fulfill your goals and objectives as well as a plan that ensures your tactics are contributing to your monthly, quarterly and annual business goals.  Keep in mind that this is usually developed after your goals and objectives are set to as they are what drives your strategy.

Marketing tactics are things you will do daily and are put into place to help you reach your already-set goals and to help you follow your strategy.  Things like writing blogs, email blasts to customers, banner advertising, literature development, proactive phone calls, contests, magazine ads and speaking engagements are all examples of tactics that can be used to reach your goals.

Say your overall marketing strategy is to increase sales.

Goals are:
Increase Net Post sales by 15% YOY
Host one webinar per month with 35+ attendees
4500 new website visitors per month
Monthly online sales goal of $14k

Tactics may include:
Increase product awareness
Educational webinars
Drive online traffic by sending email blasts for product specials
Increase online sales

Can you see how the tactics are specifically related to the marketing strategy of increasing sales?  Increasing product awareness, providing product specials and driving traffic to the website support each of the set goals which are intended to increase annual sales.  It’s important to align what you are measuring to what you are trying to accomplish to make sure the end goal is met, regardless of which avenue you take.

Measuring the success of your goals using KPI’s is how you determine the effectiveness of your campaigns across all marketing channels.  Picking goals that are SPECIFIC and MEASURABLE will ensure they can be met.

  • Online sales goal of $14k per month – measured by actual revenue via your online sales channel
  • 4500 new website visitors per month – measured by actual visitors to your website through Google Analytics
  • Increase net post sales by 15% YOY – measured by actual revenue on a specific product line
  • Host one webinar per month with 35+ attendees – measured by completing one webinar per month with at least 35 registered attendees

Do you have any successful campaigns that your company has executed?  Do you have any suggestions for other marketers on what worked versus what may have failed?